
June 14, 2019

Palestinian children learn history through art

In 2015, Al-Jana, or the Arab Resource Center for Popular Arts, a longtime UPA partner, hosted a series of creative activities for Palestinian children in Lebanon refugee camps. During these sessions sponsored by UPA, children like Aya said she was happy she was encouraged to sing in front of an audience. She sang songs about her homeland and ancestors. These activities, Al-Jana, included art, singing, and learning to their people’s history and heritage.

Aya sings in Lebanon.
Aya sings with her classmates.


Since 1978, UPA has been working to alleviate the suffering of Palestinians living in refugee camps in Jordan and Lebanon. We could not have done this transformative work without your support. Today, we are looking back at the ways you helped enrich the lives of Palestinian refugees. With World Refugee Day right around the corner, we hope you are encouraged to either renew your commitment to our mission or if you are a prospective donor looking to make a difference. We hope you put your faith in UPA. Our progress is real, but the need remains vast.

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