
August 22, 2018

Bringing cultural education to refugee camps

For the young people in refugee camps, life can be dreary and monotonous, devoid of joy and inspiration. Arts and recreation are considered ‘luxuries’ that many cannot afford, though they are essential to the healthy development of a child, and indeed, of a society. That’s why UPA partnered with Al-Kamandjati Association in Lebanon, to bring that spark into their lives. A group of Palestinian musicians and students from the refugee camps in Lebanon participated in a musical education program over the summer. These musical training sessions provided youth with an outlet for their creative energy, while also enhancing their cultural education, celebrating their Arab heritage, and fostering communication between Palestine and Lebanon.

Last week, these youth and their teachers held a musical concert dedicated to Jerusalem. The concert included a blend of Lebanese, Syrian, and Palestinian tunes to honor Arab culture and promote unity and solidarity between these countries. UPA will continue supporting such efforts to bring cultural education to the refugee camps in Lebanon and across the Middle East. Learn more here.


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