
December 17, 2019

…existing against all odds

“…When an organization supports me to start a business, it is supporting me, to work hard honorably, to defy social stereotypes…to exist against all odds, ” said Dina.

Dina sells stationery and school supplies out of her home in Gaza. Because of her limited inventory, her earnings were limited. As a young, divorced mother she struggled to support her two daughters and put herself through college.

Through UPA’s Small Business Development Program, your generous support helped Dina rent a small shop and expand her inventory. Gradually, Dina’s small business became successful. She felt emotionally empowered, financially independent and socially enabled to defy the challenges and stigma of being a young divorced mother. This had a dramatic positive impact on her daughters. They are happy and excited to see their mother go to work every day.

Please make a generous gift to UPA today. Your donation this holiday season will help more incredible Palestinian women like Dina support themselves and their families. Every dollar will be matched by a group of generous UPA donors up to $150,000.00 if received by December 31st.

“One of these days you will hear my name as a successful individual,” Dina tells UPA staff. “Thanks to your hard work and support. Today a seed is planted, tomorrow, God willing, it will become a tree.”

Help us reach more Palestinians in need of a supportive hand. The impact of your gift will be doubled this holiday season.

With hope,

United Palestinian Appeal

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