
May 14, 2018

Gaza Hospitals Suffer as Violence Continues

For Immediate Release:

WASHINGTON, DC — May 14th, 2018: As Palestinians across the world prepare to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Nakba, or “Day of Catastrophe,” United Palestinian Appeal reaffirms its support for Palestinians: human beings who deserve to lead lives of dignity and freedom as enshrined by international law.

Today, nearly 60 Palestinians are dead and nearly 2700 have been wounded in demonstrations that are a part of ongoing protests calling for the right of return from areas where Palestinian were forcibly removed in 1948. The escalating violence has forced UPA’s Gaza staff to be confined to their homes as the region prepares for a general strike in protest of the U.S. embassy move to Jerusalem.

UPA Executive Director Saleem Zaru stresses that in times of crisis, “it is important to stay on target and focus on the increasing humanitarian needs.” When it comes to the safety of the staff on the ground, “we have to be cautious but that is the nature of humanitarian work in times of crisis.”

Earlier today, UPA DC Staff spoke with International Advisory Council member, Halim Halabi, who works and resides in Gaza. “It’s only going to get worse,” says Halabi, who is currently working with local hospitals to address their growing needs.

Last month, the medical sector in Gaza declared a state of emergency, as basic medical supplies are running out. UPA has prepared a shipment of pharmaceuticals and consumables to support local hospitals, who are working beyond their capacity. The diminishing supply of vital medicines has also put a strain on primary care clinics in Gaza—who are funneling their resources to assist with the overflow of casualties at these hospitals.

For 40 years, UPA has responded to the ongoing emergency needs of the Palestinian people. Today is no different. We stand with the people of Gaza during these painful times, ready to act as the need arises.




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