
August 9, 2018

UPA celebrates International Youth Day 2018

Since its inception in 1978, UPA has funded and implemented a wide variety of projects aimed at supporting Palestinian children and youth through health and wellness programs, education programs, and community development programs.

The theme for this year’s International Youth Day is Safe Spaces for Youth. According to the United Nations’ official post:

“Youth need safe spaces where they can come together, engage in activities related to their diverse needs and interests, participate in decision-making processes and freely express themselves… safe spaces ensure the dignity and safety of youth. Safe spaces such as civic spaces enable youth to engage in governance issues; public spaces afford youth the opportunity to participate in sports and other leisure activities in the community.”

UPA emphasizes the importance of creating safe spaces for Palestinian youth to grow and express themselves in the midst of war and occupation. In collaboration with A. M. Qattan Foundation, UPA helped establish “Child-Friendly Spaces” in six disadvantaged areas in Gaza. A wide array of cultural and educational services were offered in these Child-Friendly Spaces, with the purpose of boosting the children’s self-confidence while improving their life skills.

More recently, UPA has partnered with Al Kamandjati Association to provide music lessons to young Palestinian refugees in the West Bank and Lebanon as a means of enabling their creative expression and celebrating their culture and heritage in a safe environment. Currently, UPA is providing students aged 5 to 10 with music lessons.

UPA is committed to the safe and healthy development of youth. UPA will continue to encourage Palestinian children to express themselves freely.

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