Health and Wellness

Nurturing the Mind, Body and Soul

The Israeli occupation of the West Bank, the siege of the Gaza Strip and the ghettoization of Palestinian refugees in camps throughout the Middle East all significantly affect the health and wellness of Palestinians, particularly children.

Palestinians living in these areas face inadequate access to medicine and affordable, nutritious food, as well as limited care for basic health issues and less common conditions such as cleft lip and palates. Palestinian children who have seen war and destruction also struggle with insufficient support for their ongoing trauma and a lack of safe places where they are free to play and be creative. UPA programs and initiatives tackle each of these problems while providing emergency relief in times of crisis.

Healing Through Feeling Program

The Healing Through Feeling Program is building a cushion of support around Gaza’s children by hiring local mental health practitioners and providing them with cutting-edge training and professional development.

Primary Care Clinics

UPA supports centers providing health care to marginalized families and communities at minimal or no cost. We prioritize centers serving refugee camps and remote communities where the services of other providers are lacking or absent.

Children's Fund

The Children’s Fund works in cooperation with reputable organizations throughout Palestinian communities to support educational, health & nutrition and recreational initiatives.

Emergency Relief

The Emergency Relief Fund supports the distribution of first aid, food, water, clothing, hygiene kits, pharmaceuticals and other needs during crises.

Humanitarian Support

UPA frequently delivers critical humanitarian support through in-kind donations of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies to Palestinian clinics and hospitals in Gaza, the West Bank, and refugee camps in Lebanon and Jordan.
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