Honor Someone with a Gift
Make a gift in honor of a friend, family member or loved one:
By phone or mail: Download, complete and provide this form so we may best attribute and send notification of your gift:

Make a Donation in Memory of Someone
Donate in memory of a loved one with a charitable gift:
By phone or mail: Download, complete and provide this form so we may best attribute and send notification of your gift:

Combined Federal Campaign
If you are a federal employee of the U.S. government, ask your employer how you can donate to UPA through the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC).
UPA’s CFC #: 11346.
Please contact UPA at: (202) 659-5007, or Toll-Free: (855) 659-5007, Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 5:30 pm ET, or email giving@upaconnect.org for assistance.

Planned Giving
Donors are encouraged to make bequests to UPA under their wills and to name United Palestinian Appeal as the beneficiary under trusts, commercial annuities, and retirement plans.
If you are interested, please contact UPA at: (202) 659-5007, or Toll-Free: (855) 659-5007, Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 5:30 pm ET, or email giving@upaconnect.org for more information.

Donate Stock
UPA accepts donations by stock transfer. The donation value is based on the value of shares on the date they are received to UPA’s account. Please use the below information when making this stock transfer:
Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC
DTC# 0141
A/C Name: United Palestinian Appeal
A/C# 2202-3506
UPA tax ID # 11-24948808
Should you need any further assistance or have any further questions, call UPA at (202) 659-5007, or Toll-Free: (855) 659-5007, Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 5:30 pm ET, or email giving@upaconnect.org.

Donate Your Car
Did you know that you can donate your car, truck or RV to UPA?
For more information, visit: careasy.org/nonprofit/united-palestinian-appeal or call 855-500-RIDE (7433)