40th Anniversary

July 27, 2018

Cultivating Hope in the Darkest of Times

As the crisis in Gaza continues to unfold, our work on the ground continues in the face of great despair, cultivating hope and livelihood.

July 12, 2018
News, News Home Page

“Helping those who love life…if they find a way to it.”

We hope to highlight some of the most meaningful moments since UPA’s conception and capture the emotions from these experiences.

June 26, 2018

Commemorating 40 Years of Service

As UPA continues its work of transforming lives and empowering communities, recognizing 40 years of service is perhaps best embodied in the symbolism of the olive tree, the event’s visual theme.

June 11, 2018
News, News Home Page

UPA’s 40th Anniversary Banquet

This September, United Palestinian Appeal will commemorate 40 years of service at the Key Bridge Marriott in Arlington, VA.

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