
August 17, 2018
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World Humanitarian Day 2018

UPA dedicates this day to its staff in Gaza, who stand at the forefront of its efforts in one of the most volatile places in the Middle East.

August 9, 2018

UPA celebrates International Youth Day 2018

UPA emphasizes the importance of creating safe spaces for Palestinian youth to grow and express themselves in the midst of war and occupation.

July 27, 2018

Cultivating Hope in the Darkest of Times

As the crisis in Gaza continues to unfold, our work on the ground continues in the face of great despair, cultivating hope and livelihood.

July 13, 2018

World Youth Skills Day 2018

“I’m seeing people I haven’t seen since 2013!”

July 6, 2018

Emergency Relief in Gaza

“it is important to stay focused on the increasing humanitar­ian needs.”

July 3, 2018

Supporting those who continue to endure

UPA’s Humanitarian Support projects, continue to reach more people existing under the most difficult circum­stances.

July 3, 2018

APA Books arrive in Gaza!

These books are the result of a licensing agreement signed with the APA in 2015, granting UPA full rights to translate, print and distribute these books in Arabic.

July 2, 2018
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A Letter from UPA’s Gaza Team

We are brothers, sisters, husbands, wives, and friends to the members of the community that we serve.

July 2, 2018

UPA Connect Summer 2018

The latest issue of UPA connect is now available. Keep up with our latest updates from the field!

July 2, 2018
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Reflections from the Executive Director

De­spite the dismal situation in Gaza, I return after every trip with renewed hope drawn from interacting with this team.

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