
November 30, 2023
Gaza2023, News Home Page

Life in the Heart of Death: A Series on the Experiences of Mental Health Professionals under Attack  – Story 21

I cannot believe I am seeing the light of day! I feel for my arm! My face!
I open my eyes and close them, then I open them again to ensure that what I am seeing is real. 

November 30, 2023
Gaza2023, News Home Page

Life in the Heart of Death: A Series on the Experiences of Mental Health Professionals under Attack  – Story 20

Studying psychology, we learned that one of the characteristics of a traumatic event is that it is sudden and unplanned for.

November 17, 2023
Gaza2023, News Home Page

Life in the Heart of Death: A Series on the Experiences of Mental Health Professionals under Attack  – Story 19

The Smell of Gunpowder: There are two kinds of killing we are exposed to daily and always from this criminal usurper.

November 17, 2023
Gaza2023, News Home Page

Life in the Heart of Death: A Series on the Experiences of Mental Health Professionals under Attack  – Story 18

While we are in the twilight zone between life and death, I find myself recalling my memories and remembering my life. 

November 17, 2023
Gaza2023, News Home Page

Life in the Heart of Death: A Series on the Experiences of Mental Health Professionals under Attack  – Story 17

I welcomed my birthday as we are stifled under the strongest, most difficult attack we faced in our combat history. I say our combat history because we, or at least I, have witnessed many wars and aggressions that the sieged Gaza Strip has lived for many years.

November 13, 2023
Gaza2023, News Home Page

Life in the Heart of Death: A Series on the Experiences of Mental Health Professionals under Attack  – Story 16

Raji is the youngest of my siblings. My little brother is a sensitive and warm person. He’s ambitious and has a big dream to become a civil engineer. Raji loves life, soccer, and playing with our niece, Elia. 

November 13, 2023
Gaza2023, News Home Page

Life in the Heart of Death: A Series on the Experiences of Mental Health Professionals under Attack  – Story 15

Here I write to you with honest feelings and heavy emotions. I, like any person on this earth, have unfulfilled ambitions and dreams. Today I share my pain over education and educators. Oh how passionate I am about knowledge and learning!

November 13, 2023
Gaza2023, News Home Page

Life in the Heart of Death: A Series on the Experiences of Mental Health Professionals under Attack  – Story 14

We spent most of the day trying to prepare some food for the family. This took a very long time because we used firewood that takes time to light and can only accommodate one pot at a time. 

November 13, 2023
Gaza2023, News Home Page

Life in the Heart of Death: A Series on the Experiences of Mental Health Professionals under Attack  – Story 13

Since over 3 months ago, she has been counting the days waiting for this day. I swear she was counting them one day at a time, and asked me every day: “How much longer till my birthday?!”

November 5, 2023
Gaza2023, News Home Page

Life in the Heart of Death: A Series on the Experiences of Mental Health Professionals under Attack  – Story 12

I made some tea and the kids sat around me, as I was considering some activity we can do to reduce the repercussions of the horrific night before. 

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