
September 20, 2018
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International Day of Peace 2018

UPA strives to ensure that Palestinians safely work, play, grow, live, and build their communities without unnecessary restrictions, pain, or suffering.

August 31, 2018

US cuts all funding to UNRWA

UPA’s work is more crucial and needed.

August 22, 2018

Bringing cultural education to refugee camps

Palestinian musicians and students from the refugee camps in Lebanon participate in musical education program.

May 22, 2018
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Give Hope to those Suffering and Who Continue to Endure

In the spirit of Ramadan, the month of reflection, of self-sacrifice, and of giving, we ask you to think of those who find themselves at the crossroads of history once again.

March 4, 2018

UPA Supports Music Education

The majority of Palestinian children UPA supports live in refugee camps in the Gaza Strip, West Bank, Lebanon or Jordan, or other marginalized areas. They face a multitude of challenges depending on their location including siege, military occupation, curfews, poverty, and malnutrition.

March 4, 2018

Bringing Music to Refugee Camps

Underneath dangling electrical wires mingled with sagging plastic hoses that distribute water to residents, a typical sight in refugee camps, the alley led us to a small secluded courtyard.

January 9, 2018
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“that they may have life, and have it more abundantly”

As I stood in silence reflecting on life in Shatila as it once existed, memories of relatively better days rushed through my mind. Life today is not any easier for Palestin­ian or Syrian refugees who were forced to make Shatila their home.

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