
May 17, 2018

UPA is Renovating Recovery Rooms in Gaza

Yesterday our Executive Director, Saleem Zaru, told you how desperate Gaza’s doctors are for supplies and how your support can help remedy the situation.

Today, we received the heart-warming news that eighteen surgeons from Jordan are on their way to Gaza to perform highly specialized procedures on patients injured earlier this week – procedures that will hopefully save lives and limbs.

However, hospitals are so overwhelmed that these surgeons do not have a place for their patients to recover. 

UPA is in contact with one of Gaza’s hospitals and has pledged to clean out and properly outfit its storage space to serve as recovery rooms for 30 – 36 patients at a time. UPA staff members on the ground have started these crucial renovations and are in dire need of your continued support.

These eighteen Jordanian surgeons are a clear example of humanity at its best, but truly, it is the small actions of many that make the biggest difference.

 If you haven’t already, please join the outpouring of solidarity for Gaza by making a donation to UPA today to help build recovery rooms for patients tomorrow.

With your help, we can continue this critical work. Let’s change lives together.

With hope,

The UPA Team

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