
September 22, 2020

UPA Welcomes New and Returning Mahmoud Darwish Scholarship Students

The year 2020 has been both a challenging and a rewarding one. Challenging because of the ongoing Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. Rewarding because at UPA we feel privileged and fortunate to continue carrying out our mission despite the pandemic.

A cornerstone of UPA’s mission is to ensure Palestinians have the opportunity to pursue higher education. Indeed, at UPA we firmly believe that education is the gift that cannot be confiscated, demolished, or occupied.

For more than 30 years, UPA’s recently renamed Mahmoud Darwish Scholarship Fund supported more than 2,500 deserving Palestinian students in the Gaza Strip and West Bank.

This Fall, UPA welcomes 78 students studying at 14 universities, including eight students from the Gaza and Hittin refugee camps in Jordan — the first cohort of Palestinian refugees to benefit from the expansion of UPA’s Mahmoud Darwish Scholarship Fund into Jordan.

As students of all ages around the world slowly return to school, we are mindful of the turbulence COVID-19 continues to cause, especially while universities scramble to quickly scale-up remote learning. Students now have the added pressure of adapting to a new era of education with little support and often limited technological resources in the communities we serve.

This Fall, Our Students Rise!

The expansion of the Mahmoud Darwish Scholarship Fund to benefit Palestinian refugees in Jordan is a testament to UPA’s commitment. It is also a reminder of the vast needs of Palestinian refugees, whose drive to achieve academic excellence is truly inspiring, even during a pandemic.

UPA can only sustain support to our scholarship recipients with your financial contribution. UPA’s campaign, “This Fall, Our Students Rise” is currently raising funds to reach more deserving students in need.

Mahmoud Darwish Scholarship recipients are studying a wide range of specialties including computer engineering, pharmacy, dentistry, accounting, architecture, psychology, chemistry, mathematics, nursing, and engineering, among others.

By donating to UPA’s Mahmoud Darwish Scholarship Fund today, you are setting up Palestinian students for long-term success as they become proactive members of society, benefiting themselves, their families and communities. Donate today and spread the word!

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