
February 2, 2022

UPAConnect Newsletter Winter 2022

Dear Friends of UPA,

As I write this editorial, another Palestinian family in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of Jerusalem has just been forcibly displaced with Israeli settlers poised to take over their property. The attempt to erase Palestinian presence, our culture and social institutions is very real and felt particularly hard in Jerusalem.

For Palestinians, Jerusalem is the heart of Palestine. It is a heart full of vibrant colors and traditions, a multi-cultural mosaic of rituals and religions, of sounds, tastes, and smells. It proudly cradles our landmark institutions, libraries, schools, and hospitals.

This issue of UPA Connect leads with an article on UPA’s latest endeavor to keep Makassed Hospital steadfast in Jerusalem. Like many other Palestinian institutions in Jerusalem, Makassed is at risk, and in such times, our solidarity is called upon in new ways. In fact, this issue is all about walking Side by Side…with refugees in Gaza Camp, mothers in Lebanon, Palestinians in diaspora, and with Jerusalem.

Truly, this past year has brought us into a new operational reality –one where we move full steam ahead with our transformative humanitarian work with Palestinians, while we simultaneously navigate the effects of a prolonged global pandemic in a region with unprecedented economic calamities, deepening cross-generational poverty, increased violence, and food insecurity all at levels never seen before.

With UPA’s dedicated and growing community of supporters, volunteers, staff, partners, and participants, I see only reason for hope! Please read the back cover of this issue for even more reasons to hope in 2022, to remain steadfast, and to stand Side by Side.

In Unity,

Saleem F. Zaru
Executive Director

In this Issue:

  • Steadfast in Jerusalem: Makassed Hospital – Page 4
  • Supporting Palestinian mothers in Lebanon with MAP-UK – Page 6
  • Colors for the Diaspora: Poetry by Zeina Azzam – Page 8
  • Palestinian Recipes: Jerusalem K’aak – Page 10

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