
October 4, 2018

World Teachers Day 2018

One of the most commendable and highly respected careers is teaching. All around the globe, teachers are guaranteeing better and brighter futures by educating the next generation of leaders and supplying them with the knowledge to achieve greatness within themselves and their communities. So’ad is one of many kindergarten teachers in Gaza who is contributing towards this goal.

However, like many teachers in Gaza, So’ad lacks the resources to sufficiently provide assistance to her struggling students. Mental health care and resources are especially crucial to children in Gaza, who face ongoing trauma due to the multiple assaults and continuing blockade of Gaza. UPA recognizes the role of teachers in creating a safe environment for children and is, therefore, educating teachers and parents on childhood trauma and giving them the tools and information necessary to alleviate it through its Healing Through Feeling program.

With the knowledge and resources obtained by UPA’s Healing Through Feeling program, So’ad was able to alleviate the suffering of one of her students, who displayed the symptoms of trauma after witnessing a shooting in front of his house.

“I began to help this child in class by paying him more attention to him and establishing a routine to make him feel safe,” So’ad said. “I offered him love and support.  I encouraged him to spend time with his classmates and told him that the traumatic event was not his fault. These actions helped the child overcome and come to terms with his symptoms.”

We are sharing this story in honor of World Teacher’s Day. This day is dedicated to honoring teachers and recognizing their vital contributions to building communities that are more aware, involved, and active. These communities are more innovative and have the ability to envision and enact better solutions to their problems. This year’s theme for World Teachers Day is: The right to education means the right to a qualified teacher. UPA will continue to ensure that teachers in Gaza are qualified to support students with trauma.

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