
Executive Committee

Type: Standing


    1. Act on behalf of the full board of directors to facilitate decision-making between board meetings or in urgent and crisis situations.
    2. In the absence of a Nominating Committee, review the performance of the board as a whole and of individual board members, and coordinate recruitment of new board members to fill vacancies.
    3. In the absence of a Governance Committee, handle all governance matters, including the review and recommendation of board policies.
    4. Serve as a communications link between the full board of directors and the Executive Director and conduct a regular performance review of the Executive Director.
    5. Follow-up on the implementation of the strategic plans.

Membership: Chairperson of the Board and two other board members, typically the Treasurer and the Secretary.


Finance Committee

Type: Standing.


    1. Provide oversight of the financial reporting, internal controls, compliance with local and federal laws and regulations and the annual audit process.
    2. Identify and appoint an independent auditing firm, negotiate contract and provide direct oversight of such firm.
    3. Receive the audit on behalf of UPA and recommend changes in financial procedures based on the audit findings, as appropriate.
    4. Review and monitor investment policies.
    5. Monitor and evaluate the performance of the investment portfolio and make recommendations to the board.
    6. Assess UPA’s financial position and determine the funds that may be made available for any major strategic initiative and other major budget items.  Budgets are the ultimate responsibility of the board of directors.
    7. Evaluates and recommends approval of annual budgets submitted by management.

Membership: Three board members, as determined by the board.


Fundraising Committee

Type: Standing.


    1. Evaluate UPA’s fundraising strategy and make recommendations.
    2. Work with UPA staff and consultants to evaluate branding and media presence
    3. Recommend fundraising policies to the board of directors.
    4. Recommend and help design research related to fundraising.
    5. Participate in major fundraising efforts.
    6. Advise UPA and assist in establishing connections with potential major donors and make introductions to staff for follow-up.

Membership: Five to nine individuals, including non-board members.  The committee is chaired by a board member.


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