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May 14, 2018
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Gaza Hospitals Suffer as Violence Continues

As Palestinians across the world prepare to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Nakba, or “Day of Catastrophe,” United Palestinian Appeal reaffirms its support for Palestinians: human beings who deserve to lead lives of dignity and freedom as enshrined by international law.

May 8, 2018
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Thank you for supporting Gaza!

Thank you to all who attended UPA’s Spring Benefit Concert last night. We are humbled by your overwhelming turnout and contributions, directly supporting the people of Gaza during these trying times.

May 1, 2018
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Spring ELP Delegation

UPA’s Embracing Life Program medical team kicked off their first medical delegation of 2018. ELP surgeons use these medical delegations to perform free, high-quality procedures in the surgery unit of the Palestine Medical Complex.

Small Business Development in Gaza

Mohammed’s small business in Gaza has kicked off, thanks to your support.

January 9, 2018
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“that they may have life, and have it more abundantly”

As I stood in silence reflecting on life in Shatila as it once existed, memories of relatively better days rushed through my mind. Life today is not any easier for Palestin­ian or Syrian refugees who were forced to make Shatila their home.

January 9, 2018
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UPA Connect Winter 2018

Read the latest issue of our quarterly newsletter, UPA Connect.

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