
August 9, 2019

Honoring Mahmoud Darwish 11 years later

Mahmoud DarwishAnd we love life if we find a way to it.”

Mahmoud Darwish

Throughout the years, we have embraced several of Darwish’s phrases as they inspired us and represented the work we do.

As Palestinians, we continue to face ever-growing challenges to freedom and self-determination, Darwish’s words continue to be relevant and inspiring.

Last year, in honor of Mahmoud Darwish’s vast literary contribution to Palestinian literature and in collaboration with the Mahmoud Darwish Foundation, we renamed UPA’s University Scholarship Program to the “Mahmoud Darwish Scholarship Fund.”

2018 marked the 10th anniversary of Mahmoud Darwish’s passing, the 30th anniversary of UPA’s scholarship program and the 40th anniversary of UPA.

Through this fund, with your support, we continue to cultivate hope by supporting Palestinian education and investing in our most important resource—the human being.

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