
October 15, 2018

World Food Day 2018

Envision a world where no person goes hungry; a world where starvation and malnourishment are nonexistent, where no parent has to make the choice between feeding themselves or their child, and where no one has to fear for their lives due to a lack of access to food. This world can become a reality. According to the Food and Agricultural Organization, eradicating hunger is possible by the year 2030. With the collaboration of governments, organizations, and individuals, we as a worldwide community can achieve this goal.

UPA’s various programs promote a world where no Palestinian goes hungry. UPA has distributed food parcels and food vouchers to hundreds of Palestinian families in the West Bank, Gaza, Jordan and Lebanon. UPA’s Agriculture program supports farmers in growing healthier, more nutritious crops for their families and the Palestinian community at large. Moreover, the Small Business Development program has supported the growth and establishment of small businesses that promote food security in Gaza, including grocery stores, vendor carts, and fisheries. UPA has also distributed food items during emergency crises as part of its Emergency Relief Fund.

For World Food Day, we urge you to contribute to the goal of eradicating hunger worldwide. We at UPA firmly believe that every Palestinian should have access to nutritious food as well as the necessary resources and tools needed to become food secure.

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