
April 5, 2019

World Health Day 2019

On World Health Day, we think of the Palestinians who do not have access to proper health care services. Palestinians in Gaza cannot afford medications that can cure a common cold, or vitamin supplements to keep their families healthy. Palestinian parents in the West Bank, who suffer under movement restrictions, struggle to find specialists, like surgeons who can treat cleft lips and or cleft palates. Palestinian refugees in Jordan and Lebanon cannot provide adequate care for their family members due to their poor living conditions.

UPA’s Humanitarian Support efforts have provided Palestinians with various kinds of medicines free of charge at the Jordanian Field Hospital in Gaza. In the West Bank, UPA’ Embracing Life Program trains local Palestinian doctors to become master surgeons, who can treat craniofacial anomalies.

In Lebanon, UPA equipped the Al Hamshari Dialysis Center with new a machine to care for local Palestinian refugees in desperate need of treatment. And in camps in Jordan, Palestinians have benefited from free medical days where parents can bring their families to seek services that are otherwise not readily available to them.

Whether in 1978 or 2019, UPA remains a dynamic and trusted partner of the Palestinian people, ready at a moment’s notice to deploy emergency relief services and resources, while also working on building capacity in the long-term development of the Palestinian economy and community.

Together, we can continue to provide these services to Palestinians across Gaza, the West Bank, Jordan, and Lebanon, truly transforming lives and empowering communities.

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